French WK Interact(1969) is well known for his black and white pieces of the human body in motion. In the nineties he fell in love with New York while touring the United States. A few years later he decided to leave his beloved Caen. He moved to his beloved apple with a project in mind. This is when his full size images started appearing on New York buildings. A lot of this work was situated in wisely chosen Manhattan and Brooklyn areas. Inspired by the city's energetic chaos, WK succeeds in adding a dynamic rush in his mobile characters. The street artist uses a variety of media such as installations, paintings, collages, prints and photocopies. His photocopied photography is often the starting point for the creation of a piece. With shows at Agnès B galleries and the Jonathan Levine gallery(2013, 2010, 2009, 2008) Interact may say his work paid off.
In Western culture, emptiness has a negative connotation as it is often associated with depression. In Eastern society, the Buddhist concept of emptiness is known as śūnyatā, a key element to liberate the illusive mind from mind labeling and suffering. The ideas of emptiness, alienation, boredom, anxiety, suffering and despair were crucial elements in postwar existentialist philosophy and literature. Although it has historical roots in Greek and medieval philosophy, the fundaments of existentialism derive from German philosopher Martin Heidegger's Being and Time(1927). This philosophical movement is centered on the recognition of individual existence. The absurd, indifferent universe has no intrinsic meaning or purpose. Living in a crowded city, performing work without a passion for it, superficial entertainment, ... enhance the empty, unhappy feeling of human beings. In contrast to "Pour soi ", Sartre described "être en soi" as a self deceiving state of inauthentic existence, in which an individual avoids responsibility and the freedom of choice. Existentialists believed all individuals should face emptiness and be responsible for their actions, by choosing and shaping their own destinies. As soon as a person accepts the concept of emptiness, he will accept the responsibility to live an authentic life by exploring his own possibilities. In order to understand human existence, authenticity is necessary. Responsibility, autonomy, commitment and integrity are all necessary ingredients for a meaningful self chosen life. Self-defining individuals freely choose which projects they engage in. These projects of self- understanding reveal the meaning of existence and one's identity. As Jean Paul Sartre said: "Existence precedes essence". The essence is what we make of ourselves, what we choose to be, who we become.
In Ghent a Concrete Canvas Tour is now available, leading tourists towards all the essential street art spots. The free map guides you to interesting paintings or installations. You can either opt to walk 7 km to see thirty two pieces or to cycle 14 km and see fifty two creations. The abandoned industrial site Inter-beton and the Roa pieces remain the must-see street art spots in Ghent.
Fans have expressed their discontent concerning the stereotypical image of Spider Woman. Marvel presented the cover of the new Spider Woman series, designed by erotic comic writer Milo Manara, on Comic Con in San Diego. Outrageous critics think the cover of the comic heroine in doggy style is a sexist act, in an attempt to attract horny male readers. They claim male heroes would never be depicted in the same bottom up manner.