d'Angelo Black Messiah

Michael Eugene Archer(40) has come back fifteen years after his last studio album Voodoo.

His third album entitled Black Messiah contains referrals to his naked chest in Untitled, false friends and the spirit of times. Q-Tip and Kendra Foster (Funkadelic) contributed lyrics, Questlove plays the music. 

Black Messiah:
1 Ain't That Easy
2 1000 Deaths
3 The Charade
4 Sugah Daddy
5 Really Love
6 Back in the Future (Part I)
7 Till It's Done (Tutu)
8 Prayer
9 Betray My Heart
10 The Door

11 Back in the Future (Part II)
12 Another Life

The hug: the rise of commercial hugging

American neuro economist Paul Zak, referred to as Doctor Love, studies the relation between neurology, morality and economy. He pleads for more affection.

A hug is a fundamental human daily interaction. When we hug, neurotransmitter oxytocin is released in the posterior portion of the pituitary gland, making us feel connected and happy. Oxytocin is also released after social interactions.

Hugging makes us more sociable and healthier. Tender feelings entail a relaxation response: a general state of calm and contentment, which facilitates cooperation.

American professional hugger Samantha Hess(30) started her business "Cuddle Up to me" a year ago in Portland. Initially she did house visits, now she owns her own hugging shop. For sixty dollars an hour, Hess and her employees cuddle and caress the needy. Hess' business idea arose when she was feeling down and was in need of affection.

This market for intimacy indicates a societal deficit. Shortage in time tends to stimulate haste and the disappearance of warm, human behaviour. The preoccupation with virtual actions in a continuously changing, individualist society could indicate we have less time to interact with the people we truly care about.

Social exchange is an economic theory of human behaviour. It assumes a person's behaviour in the marketplace is motivated by the desire to maximize profits and minimize losses. The same motives determine social behaviour. Social exchange gives a perspective for analyzing all kinds of relationships.

Doctor Love believes it's positive that people acknowledge their need for physical contact. Especially during stress one's need for physical contact increases. Richard Stevens believes we lack physical contact, which is the language of love.

Roberts Sternberg's triangular love theory(1988) offered an analysis of love. Intimate relationships involve components as emotional attachment and feelings of affection, fulfilment of psychological needs such as sharing and gaining reassurance and interdependence between individuals.

Intimacy, the emotional component of love, involves feelings of closeness. Intimacy and love are not synonyms.

Some criticize this paid affection because they believe it increases a cold society, others accept these commercial cuddles as being a temporary solution for honest expressions of an unsatisfied need for affection.

Female MC Kate Tempest

Kate Esther Calvert(1985) grew up in London. Under the name of Kate Tempest she publicizes poetry, writes theatre plays and does spoken word. Passionate about wordplay, her chosen semantics seem to always grasp the appropriate atmosphere.

As a teenager, while studying at the prestigious Brit School for Performing arts, Tempest engaged in rap battles, resulting in this year's unique album Everybody Down, which tells the story of three characters and the big city's loneliness. The album, produced by Dan Carey, has been nominated for the Mercury Prize.

Seen as the female counterpart of Mike Skinner, her album even stands up to his A Grand don't come for free. Her praised work is regularly awarded. In 2013 her Brand New Ancients was awarded with the Ted Hughes award.
The Guardian believes the MC is one of the greatest new talents.

Red Bull Flying Bach: break dance combined with classical music

Red Bull Flying Bach, a street style performance on two hundred and fifty year old music, has been touring the world since 2012. The show invites youngsters to listen to classical music.

Choreographer Varcan Basil works with Flying Steps, a formation of break dance world champions, to break the boundaries between classical and urban culture on Das Wohltemperierte Klavier by Johann Sebastian Bach.

The break dance visualisation of Bach compositions is made complete with a ballerina and classical musicians directed by opera director Christopher Hagel. 

Sleeping disorders: social media influence teenagers' sleep

Tablets and smart phones increase sleeping disorders amongst teenagers. A study in Finland, led by Erkki Kronholm, revealed one fifth of the teenagers nod off in the classroom, leading to worse school results.

The past twenty years the amount of youngsters with a sleeping disorder has doubled. Twenty percent of the girls and ten percent of the boys suffers from chronic fatigue.

Wrong-doers are smart phones, tablets, television and computers.
The exposure to screens is still increasing, leading to problems as restless minds and the blocked production of sleeping hormone melatonin by the brain. The bright, blue light of I pads and I phones seems to be even worse than the light of digital television. The closer one sits in front of a phone, laptop or tablet, the worse the sleeping rhythm will be.

These sleeping disorders are noted amongst teenagers and adults, who all suffer from social jetlag during the week end caused by the built up sleeping shortage during the week. In the week end they then tend to sleep in too long, which leads to a fragmented sleep and intense, energy costing dreaming. The last sleeping cycles can not provide a deep sleep, which is essential for physical recuperation.

The more time one spends in front of any screen, the worse one will sleep. The screen time right before going to bed seems to be the most crucial indicator for sleeping disorders.

In any case teenagers are more vulnerable to sleeping disorders because their hormonal imbalance and puberty influences the production of melatonin.

Where an adult needs seven and a half to eight hours of sleep, a child needs between eight and nine. During sleep, muscles relax and responsiveness to external stimuli decreases. Energy is stored, bodily tissues are allowed to grow. The sleep cycle takes place in five stages: four non-REM and the last REM stage, in which dreams occur and memory is thought to be organized.

Sleeping disorders have a severe impact on daily functioning, increase the risks of mental and physical problems such as obesitas and diabetes. Touchiness can easily evolve towards anxiety disorders and depression.

Experts advise to put out all screens one and a half hour before bedtime and never to put any screen on the bedside table. A sensible sleeping hygiene is crucial: close the curtains, put out the lights, eliminate all screens.

Steve Mc Curry

copyright Steve Mc Curry: Sharbat Gula

After working two years for Today's Post, Steve Mc Curry(1950, Philadelphia), who studied film and literature, decided to tour South East Asia. While living in India, the photographer's portfolio grew, which soon led to orders by Newsweek and The New York Times.

The New York citizen soon won the Robert Capa Gold medal.
During the nineteen eighties National Geographic assigned the photographer to go to Pakistan for two months, where he stayed four months longer. While working for National Geographic, Mc Curry switched to colour photography. The Magnum member(1986) is principally known for his award winning World Press Photo of Afghan refugee girl Sharbat Gula(1984, on cover in 1985), whom he photographed again seventeen years later.

Eight employees assist the artist in his two Philadelphia and three New York studios, his business is managed by his sister. In 2013 his creations were shown in Siena, in 2014 he was asked for the Lavazza calender.

Joseph Koudelka, Albert Watson, Don MC Cullin, James Nachtwey and Elliott Erwitt, the latter being the main reason for wanting to work for Magnum, are Mc Curry’s main icons. Painters Rembrandt and Caravaggio are other stated inspirations. His dear friends Henri Cartier-Bresson and Erwitt taught him to look. The artist also knew and admired Elliott, Eve Arnold, René Burri and Bruno Barbey.

His travels taught him what he needed to know about people, his photographs reflect the things that move him. Each and every one of us desires the same thing: to be respected.